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Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening

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Understand your risk of vaginal infections like thrush or BV, STIs, fertility implications, and other gynae health complications using a non-invasive at-home tampon screen.

Why you need it:

  • Detects bacteria causing vaginal infections like thrush and BV (bacterial vaginosis), enabling timely intervention to prevent and manage these conditions.
  • Provides insights into your risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and urinary tract infections (UTIs) by providing crucial information for proactive healthcare and prevention strategies.
  • Helps check for microbes that have been linked with conception complications, offering valuable insights into potential fertility challenges and allowing for informed family planning decisions.

Why we love it:

  • Analyses the state of your vaginal microbiome, which has been lined to IVF success, helping individuals and coupes undergoing fertility treatments make informed choices and optimise their chances of a successful outcome.
  • Offer a comprehensive look at your vagina, providing a view of your reproductive health and facilitating personalised healthcare plans.
  • Highlights the importance of Lactobacilli, the beneficial bacteria in the vaginal microbiome, showcasing their role in preventing infections and maintaining overall vagina health.
  • Gives you the opportunity to discuss your results and medical history with vetted specialists and sexual health experts to get personalised treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

What is it (and why):

  • A diagnostic tool designed to detect bacteria causing vaginal infections (e.g., thrush and BV), assess the risk of STIs and UTIs, and provide insights into factors affecting fertility.
  • Assists individuals and couples in making informed decisions during fertility treatments, optimising the chances of a successful outcome.
  • Enables a comprehensive understanding of the vaginal microbiome, helping to tailor personalised healthcare plans for maintaining optimal vaginal health.

how to use


Step 1

Get a kit delivered to your door

Step 2

Activate your kit online by answering the medical questionnaire

Step 3

Collect and ship back the tampon sample to Dayes partner lab

Step 4

Get easy to understand results online

Step 5

Connect to vetted specialists and request treatment

Do you have recurrent vaginal infections?

Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening can check for infection-causing microbes and fungi, as well as your levels of protective, good bacteria. Daye suggest screening 2-4 times per year of when symptoms appear.

Are your going through an IVF cycle or having fertility issues?

The vaginal microbiome plays a vital role in reproductive health, and disruptions can impact fertility. Daye suggest a one-off screen to identify all treatable issues before your next round of IVF.

Are you looking to conceive or currently pregnant?

Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening can help establish your risk of infections and related complications during pregnancy. Daye suggest two screens per year or one screen during your first trimester.

Could you be experiencing perimenopause or menopause?

By assessing your Lactobacilli levels the screening can indicate perimenopause or menopause, and should be considered alongside other symptoms. Daye suggest two screens per year to monitor levels. You can also pair these with Daye ProViotics to boost the good bacteria in your vaginal microbiome.

In order to take a sample at least 5 days must have passed since your last period ended. There are a few other requirements: no antibiotics or antifungals in the last 30 days, no douching, penetrative vaginal sex, and vaginally applied meds or creams in the 24 hours before. That will ensure your microbiome is in a stable state and that your results are not inconclusive. Please make sure to follow the instructions provided to get the best out of the screening.



  • 2 tampons to take your sample — one to take your sample with and one for backup (double check the expiry date)
  • A blue sterile pouch to keep the tampon sample safe from contamination
  • A see-through shock-proof pouch to ensure the sample is protected on its way to the lab
  • Transport medium to protect your sample while on its way to the lab
  • A card with the test activation code
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to do the test
Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening
Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening
Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening
Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening
Daye At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Screening
  • Non-invasive

  • Backed by science

  • Treatments & consultations

  • Easy at-home self-sampling

A must for any woman

Quick and easy service. The microbiome screening is a MUST for any woman who wants to manage her health. It might throw up a few surprises or confirm suspicions. I will definitely be taking another test. You might think you won’t need it but you may be surprised!

Lauren Damaso Ruiz

I love Daye so much, I don’t think I could ever go back to using normal drug store tampons.


Always on time, great packaging and product information, easy to change and great mixture of sizes depending on your needs, fully customisable, absolutely love this brand and their products.


Frequently asked

What is the vaginal microbiome and why test it?

Think of it as the immune system to your reproductive tract. It contains good bacteria (lactobacilli) and disruptive microorganisms (yeasts, viruses). A healthy vaginal microbiome is one where the good bacteria keep the disruptive ones in check, preventing them from growing out of control and causing an infection. A balanced microbiome has been linked to a lower risk of vaginal infections, STIs, and reproductive difficulties. Understanding your vaginal microbiome composition can help you better manage your gynaecological health.

Why do you test with tampons?

The tampon offers a non-invasive, familiar method of obtaining a testing sample that makes the screening experience at home more comfortable and accessible. Further, tampons collect a comprehensive sample from the entirety of the vaginal canal, allowing for greater accuracy compared to traditional methods like swabs. The applicator enables smooth insertion in the vagina, and it also prevents the tampon from being contaminated during insertion.

What studies show the vaginal microbiome is important for gynaecological health?

There are several studies that show the correlation between having a healthy vaginal microbiome and a lower risk of getting vaginal infections like thrush and BV, a lower risk of contracting STIs, improved fertility and lower risks of miscarriage and pre-term birth, and a lower risk of developing gynaecological cancers.

My GP/OBGYN said they'd never heard of the vaginal microbiome before. Why should I take a test?

You should always speak with your physician before committing to purchasing a diagnostic test. However, not all physicians are experts in the vaginal microbiome or have time to keep on top of the latest research (for example, did you know that Bacterial Vaginosis was only recognised as an STI in 2021?)

The Daye Vaginal microbiome screening uses novel, PCR-based technologies, and the interpretation of their data are informed by modern clinical studies, which can give you additional, richer insights into what's happening with your gynaecological health. Keep in mind it can take a while (usually 10-15 years) for new research to be put into medical practice, so don’t be surprised if your doctor hasn’t heard of the vaginal microbiome yet.

Don’t let that stop you from taking charge of your health, especially if you’re experiencing recurrent infections or trying to conceive.

What do you test for?

Daye will analyse your microbiome for lactobacilli (the good, protective bacteria), Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella (anaerobic bacteria, linked to bacterial vaginosis), Candida (a yeast linked to thrush), Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium and Ureaplasma parvum and urealyticum, commonly linked to reproductive difficulties and vaginal infections. Daye's test would be able to tell you the total amount of the above microorganisms that were found in your sample, but would not identify the specific species.

Will you diagnose me with an STI or another disease?

Daye's test can help you undertsnad what microrgnisms live in your vaginal microbiome. We will also give you access to vetted specialists who could review your screening results and diagnose a condition. You can also always export a PDF of your results to send to your own doctor.

It's important to note that Daye's service provides a diagnostics indication based on the tests conducted, but it does not provide a definite medical diagnosis.

When can I expect results?

After your sample reaches Daye's lab, it will be analysed within 5–15 days. You will receive an email notification when your results are ready for review, or if there was an issue with your sample.

What happens after I get my screening results?

After you receive your results, you will be able to book a consultation with a vetted specialist and order medication (subject to additional costs and availability). Daye will also help you make lifestyle changes to improve your gynaecological health. Did you know that everything from your contraception and condoms to underwear materials, can impact the composition of good and bad bacteria in your vagina? Stay in the know with Daye's screen and invest in interventions that actually work.

What test method do you use?

Daye's test uses quantitative PCR technology, which is able to quantify the relative amounts of microorganisms in your microbiome. While most GP/GU clinics use a method called microscopy to evaluate samples for pathogens causing BV or thrush, this requires a skilled technician to identify the presence of specific bacteria and differentiate them from one another. Microscopy is hence more subjective than DNA-based methods (like PCR) which detect the DNA of all microorganisms found in the sample in an automated way. Studies have shown that PCR is a more accurate way of assessing the bacterial composition of the vaginal canal than microscopy. 

In practice, the PCR-based Daye screening results can point out if Gardnerella vaginalis (a common cause of BV) makes up 1% or 40% of a microbiome. Their amount is important because even though these bacteria are commonly found in a healthy microbiome, they can cause inflammation if they grow excessively.

What lab do you process my results in? Is it UKAS accredited?

Daye is partnering with several UKAS-accredited labs in the UK.

When should I not use the screening kit?

In order to take a sample at least 5 days must have passed since your last period ended. There are a few other requirements: no antibiotics or antifungals in the last 30 days, no douching, penetrative vaginal sex, and vaginally applied meds or creams in the 24 hours before. That will ensure your microbiome is in a stable state and that your results are not inconclusive.

Should you be screening your microbiome at all?

At Daye, they believe in building products that are rooted in scientific rigour. This means that they never want to get ahead of the science available. Like many other areas of gynaecological health, vaginal microbiome research has been underfunded for decades.

Vaginal microbiome screening is also not a common practice in clinical care today unless you go private.

A vaginal microbiome screen is used to understand the composition of bacteria in your vaginal microbiome. This can help you identify the presence of pathogens, which could be causing you recurrent vaginal infections (Candida, Gardnerella) or preventing you from becoming pregnant (Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma). If you're peri-menopausal or menopausal, you may want to increase your lactobacilli count so as to fight off vaginal dryness. If you have suffered recurrent UTIs, you may find a disrupted vaginal microbiome to be the cause. Knowing that you have a low lactobacilli count can also help you and your physician make informed decisions on your risk of a recurrent miscarriage or pre-term labour.

Not every physician, however, will recommend a vaginal microbiome screen, due to the method not being widespread yet. Please feel free to consult with your doctor before purchasing this test. If you require a simple bacterial vaginosis or candida test, you can get one for free from your local sexual health clinic.

It's also important to note that by testing your vaginal microbiome you are contributing to an increased global understanding of the best ways to detect and manage gynaecological health diseases, in turn bridging the gender gap in medical research and innovation.

Can tampons break my hymen or affect my virginity?

Tampons can potentially stretch or tear the hymen, but it's not a guaranteed or common occurrence. The hymen is a thin membrane that partially covers the opening of the vagina in some individuals. It can vary in thickness and elasticity from person to person. When inserting a tampon, if done carefully and gently, it typically shouldn't cause damage to the hymen. However, if a person's hymen is particularly thin or if they have a medical condition called imperforate hymen (where the hymen completely covers the vaginal opening), there is a slightly higher chance of the tampon causing some stretching or tearing.

It's important to note that the hymen can naturally stretch or tear over time due to various activities such as physical activity, horseback riding, gymnastics, or even normal vaginal development. Sexual activity can also impact the hymen, but it's not the only factor in hymen integrity. In many cultures, there is a misconception that an intact hymen is a sign of virginity, but this is not a reliable indicator. Hymens can vary greatly in appearance and resilience, and not all individuals with intact hymens have never engaged in sexual activity.

Can the tampon be used after vaginal birth?

Daye recommends avoiding the use of the tampon for vaginal diagnostics for a period of six weeks following vaginal birth. This allows ample time for the body to heal and reduces the risk of potential complications. Please consult with your healthcare provider for guidance specific to your individual situation.

Are there any other instances when the tampon should not be used?

In addition to the postpartum period, Daye advises against using the tampon for vaginal diagnostics if you have any open wounds, sores, or other vaginal irritations. It is essential to prioritise your comfort and well-being, and if you have any concerns, please consult your healthcare provider.

What should I do If I experience any discomfort or adverse reactions while using the tampon?

If you experience any discomfort, unusual symptoms, or adverse reactions while using the tampon for vaginal diagnostics, Daye recommends removing it immediately and consulting with your healthcare provider. Your health and safety are our utmost priority, and it is essential to address any concerns promptly.

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