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Budfertility Male Fertility Formula

Budfertility Male Fertility Formula

Regular price £16.00
Sale price £16.00 Regular price £22.99
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

EXPIRY DATE 30/04/2025

Specially formulated Maca based fertility supplements for those trying to conceive.

Bespoke formulations packed full of key nutrients and vitamins, proven to support your body’s natural reproductive health.

Quantity: 60 capsules, 1 month supply

*femme do not endorse products, nor do we confirm their effectiveness; instead we recommend that you always seek advice from your GP (and your fertility clinic, especially if you are taking prescribed fertility medication) before product use*

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How long will it take to see results?

Bud recommends to start taking a fertility supplement up to 90 days before planned pregnancy and to continue taking daily as required or as advised by your healthcare professional.

FOR WOMEN: If you're planning to have a baby, it is recommended to take folic acid for two to three months before you conceive. This allows it to build up in your body to a level that gives the most protection to your future baby against neural tube defects.

FOR MEN: A full sperm regeneration cycle (spermatogenesis) can take between 60 and 90 days.