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Fertility & Beyond

Tempdrop for Menopause

Wear when sleeping
Easy & convient to use
Backed by science
Perimenopause monitoring
Exclusive to femme

Perfect for Menopause

Here to support you through the menopause. Tracking your cycle isn’t just for your fertility journey, it can help you understand your menopause journey too.

How It Works

Know Your Body

Fertility & ovulation tracking

Introducing Tempdrop - a wearable fertility monitor.

Tempdrop sensor & app: A lifelong companion.

Find out more
Easy Tracking

Ovulation tracking: Four Easy Steps

Step One: Wear before sleep

Before you go to sleep, press the drop-shaped button to turn on your Tempdrop sensor. Place the band on your upper arm and leave it on throughout the night.

Step Two: Sync whenever

Remove once you are up for the day and sync with the Tempdrop app whenever convenient.

Step Three: Add your symptoms

Track your symptoms to verify ovulation and learn about your cycle phases.

Step Four: Get results

View the chart and interpret your results. Upgrade to premium for automatic interpretation.

femme health